• Thailand

  • Hong Kong

  • Seoul, South Korea

  • Austin, TX, USA

  • New York City, NY, USA

  • Ireland

  • Las Vegas, NV, USA

  • Austin, TX, USA
  • Cuzco, Peru

  • New York City, NY, USA

  • Cape Town, South Africa

  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • Tokyo, Japan

  • Melbourne, Australia

  • Queenstown, New Zealand

  • Auckland, New Zealand

Around the World 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

RTW Day 8: Cape Town

My journey to South Africa involved flying 6 hours from JFK to Heathrow in London, followed by 11 hours to Cape Town. Two long flights in a row sounds painful, but it was actually ok. London was a flash - I was only there for a couple hours - but the food was nice on both flights. One way or another I made it to South Africa without incident.

I had talked to a really cool girl on the plane who lives in South Africa, and on her word and the collective opinion of the internets I decided to rent a car. I have put off learning to drive on the left for too long - it was time. I asked the lady for a small, zippy car that was good on gas and with very little work I found myself behind the wheel of a Fiat 500:

Driving was fine. I'm not used to driving a manual, but it came back quickly. It's weird to be on the left of the road, but weirder to be on the right side of the car. Other than that it was pretty easy. A friend I met later told me he calls my car a Cougar car but hey, it got the job done. Mission accomplished!

My hostel was a bit hard to find, but worth the effort. I stayed in a six bed dorm with really interesting people and a good social area, all for $13. Hostels are most definitely the way to travel.

The weather was cold and rainy, and after the flights and vehicle initiation I was pretty zoned, so I took a nap before heading out for some grub. I stopped at a place called The Mexican and had incredible calamari and a (very strong) beer called an I.T.A. After dinner I used my buzz to walk up and down Long Street, the main tourist street, to get a feel for the urban environment by foot.

There was not too much to speak of other than some bars and restaurants, but the night life looked decent. I was very disappointed by the number of beggars and it was very difficult to make them leave you alone. They have a way of making you feel spoiled, but I have been around enough to know not to give to beggars. One thing became excruciatingly clear to me though, even in those first few hours - South Africa has a long way to go before they know real equality.

Back at the hostel I talked to my dormmates for a bit and worked up a plan to climb Table Mountain the next day. Easy first day.

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