• Thailand

  • Hong Kong

  • Seoul, South Korea

  • Austin, TX, USA

  • New York City, NY, USA

  • Ireland

  • Las Vegas, NV, USA

  • Austin, TX, USA
  • Cuzco, Peru

  • New York City, NY, USA

  • Cape Town, South Africa

  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • Tokyo, Japan

  • Melbourne, Australia

  • Queenstown, New Zealand

  • Auckland, New Zealand

Around the World 2014

Friday, July 11, 2014

RTW Day 2: Cusco

So far Qosqo is a beautiful place, but also very overrun by tourists. Yesterday when I arrived I walked through the city to my hotel instead of getting a taxi. I didn't feel great because of the altitude but I'm glad I did it as I got to see some of the streets without touristas.

After checking in with Raul at my hotel I went to a restaurant and had alpaca for dinner. It was good, but honestly even the potatoes (papas moraya) were amazing. I have yet to try cuy (roasted guinea pig) but rest assured I will.
I visited several museums today which were decent, and then took a cooking class and that was awesome. I may continue to make that a habit everywhere I go. Today I made crema de quinoa (creamy quinoa soup), rocotas rellenos (stuffed peppers, pictured below), y chicha morada (purple corn juice) and for desert chocolate fondue with mango, banana, pepino y chirimoya.
I was on my way to a bar later to meet anyone and I ended up running into a native Peruvian man named Antonio and we talked for quite awhile over a couple bottles of Cusqueña at a local restaurant. Good conversation - I never made it to the bar. I hope to meet more interesting people as I carry on.
It's weird to be in a place where English is sort of hard to come by. I'm thankful for high school Spanish classes, but it's sure humbling to be in a place where your native tongue is a bother.

Pero no es uno problemo, es una oportunidad para aprender hablar español.


  1. Lol way to go Jacob no doubt ur iron stomach is ready for this world wide food adventure😊...

  2. Great idea on the cooking class. Be sure to write it all down -- love to learn some of these recipes.

  3. I will never forget the night of passion that we shared. So much Cusquena...
    Forever yours, Antonio
