• Thailand

  • Hong Kong

  • Seoul, South Korea

  • Austin, TX, USA

  • New York City, NY, USA

  • Ireland

  • Las Vegas, NV, USA

  • Austin, TX, USA
  • Cuzco, Peru

  • New York City, NY, USA

  • Cape Town, South Africa

  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • Tokyo, Japan

  • Melbourne, Australia

  • Queenstown, New Zealand

  • Auckland, New Zealand

Around the World 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

RTW Day 6: ¡Adiós, Peru!

My last (free) breakfast in Peru was fried eggs, flat bread with jelly and butter, a huge bowl of fresh fruit, coffee, and O.J. Not too shabby.

I didn't waste time getting back to Cusco. A big part of me wanted to climb up to the ruins near Ollantaytambo, but I was still feeling ill. Not sure if maybe I got food poisoning or drank bad water, but it's definitely not the pills. Luckily the feeling quickly subsided during the day, other than a slight malaise I'll blame on overexertion at high altitude. Gotta work for the good stuff!
The bus back was full of French people who couldn't care less about me so I chose to read instead. Back in Cusco I had some time to kill. I went to the ChocoMuseo and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the place. Also, chemistry!

They had a workshop where you can make your own, but I did not have time. I bought a little bit for the road, stopped at a nearby pizzeria for lunch, and walked back to the airport.

Next stop: New York City.


  1. That pizza looks like road kill. Just sayin.

    1. Look up Cuy al Horno if you want to see something that looks like roadkill. Or better yet, Cuy Chactado :)

  2. Is that egg in the middle??

    1. Yup. And ham and bacon and... Banana. Weird, but very good.
